Saturday, July 13, 2013

I Only Want An Octopus

Every year I do events with The Centers at St. Camillus a not-for-profit healthcare facility providing programs and services to help meet the care and needs of the Central New York community. 

Last week I was pleased to attend for the second year in a row, the Sock Hop fundraising event. What a blast! Great music by Ruby Shooz, food, activities for kids, and of course, me! If you didn't make it this year, look for it next year. It's a really fun event for a good cause. 

Among the many wonderful faces I encountered at this event, I was particularly tickled by one handsome little fella, who had just returned from zoo camp. As you may know, the zoo is welcoming it's newest addition, Ophelia, a giant pacific octopus. Little fella sat down and politely asked for an octopus face painting. *blink* I, myself, was surprised to realize that in my entire career as a face painter, I have never painted an octopus. 

Me: "Umm.... I'm not sure how well I would do at an octopus... is there anything else you might like?"
Little fella: "I only want an octopus."

He was so cute... and so polite. No way was I going to let him down. So I pulled out my brushes and began to construct an octopus on his face. 
Me: "What color would you like him to be?"
Little fella: "They're reddish-orange." (And they are!)

Having never painted one before, it took a little longer than I am used to but Little Fella and I passed the time by chatting about octopi and how many legs they have (8), what the legs are called (tentacles), what the "little rings" on the legs were called (suction cups).... Little Fella knew everything there was to know. He was so smart, and so happy... bursting with pride about his vast knowledge of the beautiful and amazing octopus. He really made my day. 

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